Charts for Kids

Reading Rewards

Reading RewardsA huge selection of free printable reading rewards to encourage kids to read. You’ll find reading logs to track reading and reading rewards to reward kids who reach their goals. We offer printable certificates and other rewards such as book bucks, bookmarks and more. You are sure to find something that will motivate your children or students to read more!


Chore Chart

get your kids to do choresLooking for a chore chart template to keep track of your child’s chore list? We have a huge selection of family chore charts and printable chore charts for girls and boys. We also offer a chore chart maker to create custom chore charts. You will also find articles on how to get your kids to do chores and the ways that chores can benefit kids.


Behavior Charts

Behavior ChartsWhat are behavior charts and how do they work?

Behavior chart (otherwise known as a reward chart or sticker chart) helps children understand that it is more rewarding to behave well than to misbehave. Kids initially start behaving well in order to get a sticker on their chart, please their parents and teachers, be praised and complimented and maybe even get a reward for completing their behavior chart. Eventually, good behavior starts coming naturally and kids start reaping the benefits. They start enjoying their relationship with their parents, they love not being yelled at, getting good grades, improving self-esteem, etc. Children will actually set limits for themselves and want to behave well!

How do reward charts work?

A reward chart is used to promote and encourage good behavior by placing emphasis on a child’s good behavior instead of focusing on the bad behavior.  Studies have shown that praising good behavior is far more effective than reprimanding children for their bad behavior. The problem is that it is much easier to focus on bad behavior since it is difficult to ignore. Sticker charts help remind you to praise good behavior by placing a star or sticker on the chart. This sends a message to the child that he or she is being rewarded for acting in that manner. Your child, in turn, will want to receive more positive feedback so he or she will be motivated to behave in a similar manner. After all, who doesn’t want to be praised? Each time you stick a sticker on the reward chart you are basically taking the time to stop and praise your child. It also makes it clear to the child that he or she is acting in a manner that you appreciate, like and want to reward. It is important that the whole process is fun or else it will not be as effective. Try to choose a chart that your child likes from our huge selection of free printable behavior charts. Choose a chart together with your child and give it a try. The only thing that you have to lose is your child’s bad behavior!


Printable Certificates

Good Behavior RewardWe offer a selection of free printable certificates to award your students or children for good behavior, reading, effort, sport or skills. Printable certificates are an excellent way to reward good behavior.


Feelings Chart

feelings chartA selection of feelings charts with a printable list of feelings. These charts can help your students or children express themselves.


Potty Chart

Potty training chart

We offer a potty chart template and a selection of free printable potty charts.  You will also find information on when to start potty training, how to potty train and certificates to reward children during the potty training process.


Charts for Kids

We offer a variety of different charts for kids such as:


Tools for Parents

All parents love their children. The problem is that sometimes raising and disciplining kids becomes so overwhelming that we don’t enjoy parenting as much as we could and should. The goals of this site are to provide free tools and resources in order to:

  • Make parenting more effective, rewarding and enjoyable.
  • Improve your relationship with your children.
  • Give you more confidence in your parenting.
  • Correct misbehavior using positive parenting techniques.
  • Help parents who are feeling helpless and frustrated.
  • Increase your knowledge and improve your parenting skills.
  • Get your family to work as a team with common goals.
  • Build positive relationships with the entire family.

This site is based on positive parenting techniques. The ultimate goal of positive parenting is to get your child to want to behave well.


Tools for Teachers

Our goal is to provide teachers with classroom management tools such as reading rewards, classroom rewards, and other free tools to reward and motivate students. We know that you have a really difficult job but we are here to help! If you require additional resources then please comment below and we will try to create them for you!